NEW Serrapeptase PLUS

60 capsules / POUCH





Product Overview

Serrapeptase is an enzyme isolated from bacteria found in silkworms. It has been used for years in Japan and Europe for reducing inflammation and pain due to surgery, trauma, and other inflammatory conditions. Today, Serrapeptase is widely available as a dietary supplement and has many health benefits.

  • Serrapeptase is an enzyme that comes from silkworms.
    Along with its anti-inflammatory properties it may offer a host of other health benefits.
  • Serrapeptase has been shown to reduce some of the symptoms associated with inflammation following the surgical procedures.
  • Serrapeptase may offer pain relief for people with certain inflammatory ear, nose, and throat conditions. It may also be beneficial for minor postoperative dental surgeries.\
  • Serrapeptase has been suggested to dissolve blood clots that could lead to a heart attack or stroke, many varicose veins patients have seen impressive improvements.
  • Serrapeptase may be useful for people with chronic respiratory diseases by increasing mucus clearance and reducing inflammation of the airways.

Serrapeptase is not recommended to take with medications or supplements that thin your blood.

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From 19p Per Capsule.


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